Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's not British fascists we should fear

If you think we should be more concerned with the BNP in Britain than events in Israel, just look at the leadership of each nation

Seth Freedman, Friday 12 June 2009

"..... Far from being a sign of why Israel needs to exist as an exclusively Jewish state, the reaction to the BNP's showing in the European elections is in fact quite the opposite. It is precisely because Britain is a multicultural, multi-faceted entity with a proven track record of integration that there is no serious threat of the BNP and its cronies ever making real progress towards the upper echelons of power. In countries where such coexistence is not preached by the rulers, it is not practised by the masses either – whether in the Arab world, in Africa, in Israel or anywhere else where racial division is seen as par for the course.

Instead of worrying about the rise of fascists in a state where even the foreign minister is Jewish, the hasbaraniks should be up in arms that the Jewish state's foreign minister is a fascist. Israeli society has a lot to learn from its British counterparts: the BNP is so far from Downing Street as to render it all but irrelevant. In Israel, on the other hand, the wolves aren't just close to the door, they've already got their feet under the kitchen table."

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