Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Latest Episode of the Soap Opera, "As the Stomach Turns"........Barf!

Hamas: Fatah is not willing to end the political detention file

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement on Thursday said that Fatah faction did not respond positively to the efforts made to end the political detention file and always tried to evade its responsibility in this regard.

In a press statement received by the PIC, Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum explained that the Fatah talk about its approval to release 20 political prisoners and on the same day its security apparatuses kidnapped more than this number and its reluctance to promise to end the detention file proved that Fatah still pursues the revolving door policy to mislead the public opinion......"

COMMENT: The Hamas fools still don't get it! Keep that "dialog" going; there are still a few Hamas supporters left on the West Bank whom Dayton wants to eradicate.

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