Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Palestinians are Ignoring it, so WAFA Speaks Hebrew to the Israelis. How Natural for the Quislings!

WAFA speaks Hebrew too

"The official Palestine News and Information Center (WAFA) officially launched its Hebrew-language news Website to provide Hebrew speaking readers with what the agency described as accurate information from Palestine.

President Mahmoud Abbas said that this page is meant to be a means of communication and direct dialogue with the Israelis. He said that the news Website would show credibility, objectivity and accuracy in order to reflect the legitimate Palestinian aspiration and eagerness to live in peace and liberty in their sovereign Palestinian state. He added that the Palestinian Authority believes in coexistence and peace between the two peoples.

WAFA’s director-general Riyadh Al Hasan, stated that the Hebrew page of WAFA was overdue and should have been published a long time ago to reach Hebrew readers. He added that WAFA wants to reach Jewish speakers “so they can recognize their Palestinian rival the same way the Palestinian recognize their Israeli rival”. He also said that the Hebrew site of WAFA would focus on subjects of interests to Israeli readers and Israeli media agencies, and that it would publish unbiased news......"

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