Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sadrists:Govt. tolerates Baathists’ infiltration into security agencies

[Comment : Iraq is without a doubt the farce of all nations. Here is a country under a brutal colonial occupation, ruled by sectarian puppets put forth under a farce of an election to serve the interest of their masters (in Washington and Tehran) , torn to pieces by one of the most barbarous modern civil wars, and now you have the Sadrists complaining about the "participation of an illegal party" !! How comical is that ? the whole government is illegitimate and illegal and does the existing of 150,000 thousand occupation troops not bother the Sadrists ? or are they merely guests and tourists of the government of Iraq ?. What a farce.]

BAGHDAD / Aswat al-Iraq: The chief of the Sadrist bloc in the Iraqi Parliament on Monday accused the government of tolerating the infiltration of the Baathists into security agencies, revealing requests by legislators to summon the defense minister for questioning in this regard.

“This issue has been raised by the Sadrist bloc more than once when it called for reaching a solution to this problem,” Aqeel Abdulhussein told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“There are incumbent top ranks and brigade and division commanders who belong to the banned party in defiance of the country’s constitution,” he added.

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