Monday, June 15, 2009

Sayyed Nasrallah: Netanyahu's Speech Blow to Arab Moderates


"15/06/2009 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Monday that the speech made one day ago by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put the whole region in the middle of serious dangers and threats of settlement and displacement,.....

Commenting on Netanyahu's latest speech, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized that Netanyahu came to tell Arabs the truth and to reveal early his vision for the region's future, noting that the speech put an end to all bets on the possibility of reaching a compromise in the region......

"First of all, Netanyahu's speech frustrated the hopes and bets of all Arabs, governments and all the so-called moderate Arabs. It put an end to the wishes of all those who were betting on the possibility to reach a compromise in the region, and mainly the success of the US administration headed by Barack Obama to achieve such compromise," his eminence noted. "But what did Arab moderates expect from Netanyahu? What did Arabs and mainly Palestinians expect from the Netanyahu-Lieberman government? Did they expect something else?" Sayyed Nasrallah wondered........

Sayyed Nasrallah also tackled the US administration's reaction over the speech. "What increased the moderates' frustration was the US administration's reaction. Actually, the whole US game of passing time was quickly uncovered just after they commented on the speech. They found it important and positive and furthermore, hailed it as a developed step. Is there anything positive in Netanyahu's speech?" ......"

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