Monday, June 29, 2009

The settlers defying Obama

Despite Obama's anti-settlement stance, the West Bank settlers' determination to go on with their land-grabs is palpable

The result of a settler attack on Palestinian farmers' crops - over 30 trees were cut down during the raid.

Seth Freedman, Monday 29 June 2009

".......Plastered at bus stops and hitchhiking posts throughout the area are posters showing Obama clad in a keffiyeh, beneath bold lettering proclaiming him a "Jew-hater". The irony of the situation is laughable: settlers accusing others of racism while dealing with their non-Jewish peers with all the "love thy neighbour" righteousness of Belfast fascists hounding Romanian immigrants out of town. The difference, sadly, is that at least in Northern Ireland the authorities come down on the side of good rather than providing tacit support for evil to forever rule the roost."

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