Sunday, July 5, 2009

Al-Jazeera Video: Gaza activist talks to Al Jazeera from Israeli jail - 4 Jul 09

"The Israeli prison guards are denying the right for Mairead to access her medicine. Continue to email and call Mark Regev and Shlomo Dror and express your outrage over the treatment of the FreeGaza21 while they are imprisoned. The women have no access to their luggage or their clothing.

Mairead is fasting, not just for her friends incarcerated along with her, but for the 11,000 Palestinians also thrown into jail, many without benefit of trial.

Hear her eloquent interview with Al Jazeera.."

"Fourteen people remain in custody after an aid ship bound for Gaza was seized by the Israeli navy on Tuesday. Among them are a nobel peace prize winner, and two Al Jazeera journalists. The Free Gaza movement sent the ship loaded with humanitarian supplies from Cyprus, in defiance of Israel's crippling 2-year blockade.

Mairead Maguire, a peace activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner spoke to us from inside Tel Aviv's Ramla Givon high security prison."

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