Thursday, July 30, 2009

Breaking the Gaza Siege.........with Kites!

Gaza children to break World record of flying kites

Left: Preparing the Hamas Air Force.

"In an attempt to break the Guinness world record for the most kites flown at the same time around 1,000 children will unite at the beaches of Gaza on Thursday afternoon.

The attempt is part of the Summer Games program run by the UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, that is offered to young Palestinians during their summer break from school.Thousands of teachers give up their summer holidays to join the program each year trying to create a positive summer experience for Gaza's children. A challenging task as the children of Gaza are faced with the effects of the Israeli blockade of the territory, entering its third year now, and are also still psychologically dealing with the war that happened seven months ago......"

Next: 10,000 kites to liberate Jerusalem; stay tuned.

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