Friday, July 10, 2009

China’s Porcelain Empire

Fragile – and not a threat to us

by Justin Raimondo, July 10, 2009

"Remember when China was supposed to be the next up-and-coming superpower? With a third of the world’s population, a totalitarian regime seemingly secure, and a well-earned reputation as a rising industrial powerhouse, "Red" China has long been one of the War Party’s favorite bogeymen. When all else failed, in the post-cold war world, and the supply of potential enemies seemed exhausted, they just hauled out the Chinese scarecrow to scare the doves away......

It is an act that cannot be successfully pulled off forever, for the simple reason that China is far too big, and its government woefully top-heavy and out-of-touch. Communism in China is but a formalistic religion, all ritual and no real content, and yet that is the only factor – embodied by the Communist Party of China — keeping the country together. Whether this hollow dictatorship can retain its hold much longer is very much up in the air. Events in Urumqi augur the break-up of the Communist state, just as the Polish upsurge led by Solidarity prefigured the implosion of the Soviet empire. China’s empire, thought to made of steel, may very well turn out to be fragile porcelain......"

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