Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Dayton Forces Doing Their Job; All in a Day's Work. But....the "Dialog" will go on; Stay Tuned for Breakthroughs!

Four citizens kidnapped, three taken to hospitals in W. Bank

"WEST BANK, (PIC)-- The PA security apparatuses kidnapped Wednesday four Palestinian citizens thought to be affiliated with Hamas in different West Bank areas, while three political prisoners were reportedly transferred from PA jails to hospitals as a result of their exposure to severe torture.

It was also reported that these security apparatuses refused to release prisoner Mahmoud Al-Hilo despite a court decision demanding his release.

Palestinian sources in Bethlehem reported the transfer of prisoner Fathi Al-Ramlawi, a noted reformer in the city, to the intensive care unit in Beit Jala hospital because of the torture inflicted on him by PA officers......"

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