Friday, July 10, 2009

G8 Meetings End In Dismal Failure

Contributed by FUBAR

7/10/09 Geneva,Switzerland

Ban Ki Moon echoed the sentiments of all gathered G8 leaders when he expressed his sadness and profound frustration at not even getting Tony Sayegh to take the weekend off, much less a whole week, which was the original proposal desired by all gathered G8 sponsors and leaders.

"It is with profound disappointment, and not some small annoyance, that we leave this summit totally defeated by Mr. Sayegh," said Moon.

"The words of Mrs.Tony Sayegh still echo in my mind as she laughed at our original proposal," Ban Ki Moon continued. She said, "Tony is more stubborn than the donkey of Don Quixote and believe me, you don't stand a chance. If FUBAR, who is a God among men, couldn't get him to take even one day off, what can you puny, sniveling mortals do? By the way, you don't have FUBAR's phone number do you? Do you think you could get it Mr. Bigshot head of the UN?"

Moon lamented, "I did not heed her words and for this I am sorry and ashamed."

Sayegh, of course, could not be reached for comment as he was busy blogging, but a longtime fan, FUBAR, of Beverly Hills, CA. said, "Yeah, what can you do? A stubborn Palestinian is an immovable force of Nature."

FUBAR continued, "If Tony won't take some time off, then sadly and most regrettably, I may have to start hitting on his wife."

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