Thursday, July 30, 2009

Qahwaji to Military: Be Prepared to Confront Israeli Aggression


"30/07/2009 Lebanon's Army commander General Jean Qahwaji "ordered" the military on Thursday to be on high alert in anticipation of any possible Israeli attack on Lebanon, in an address to celebrate the Lebanese Army's 64th anniversary on August 1.
"You have combated the flames of sedition that was invading one region to the other and you provided the necessary stability," he said in his statement.

"Today, great missions await you and you must be fully prepared to confront any possible (Israeli) aggression," he said.

Qahwaji urged the military establishment to preserve its unity, which "is growing stronger each day."

He pledged to "work effortlessly to meet … your army's defensive and security needs."
COMMENT (on the lighter side) : The funny thing is that the Lebanese Army commander's last name (Qahwaji) means coffee server, in Arabic. Well, some in the IOF may prefer coffee instead of tea, from the tea servers of Lebanon.

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