Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The settlement freeze fraud

The Obama administration should make it clear that Israel's new settlement expansion proposal is unacceptable

Richard Silverstein, Tuesday 30 June 2009

"Ehud Barak arrives in Washington bearing a new Israeli proposal to bridge the differences over a settlement freeze that have arisen between the Obama and Netanyahu governments. It involves a three to six month cessation of all new construction, excluding East Jerusalem. Construction currently underway, which Israel claims amounts to 2,000 units, would be grandfathered into the agreement. I call it either "freeze-lite" or "freeze fraud" depending on my level of outrage at the moment.

In return for this alleged compromise, Israel demands the Arab states offer Israeli planes the right to traverse Arab airspace, and Israelis travellers the right to transit Arab airports. The plan also would include academic and tourist exchanges.

When you review the diplomatic record and public statements of US officials on subjects covered by the Israeli proposal, you realise that Israel is doing little more than playing games...."

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