Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Video: Baha Mousa inquiry: British soldiers 'made Iraqis dance like Michael Jackson'

British soldiers manipulated the cries of pain of Iraqi prisoners to sound like an "orchestrated choir" and made them dance like Michael Jackson, an inquiry into the death of Baha Mousa has heard.

The Telegraph

"The men, who were being held as suspected enemy fighters, claim they were also verbally abused, burned, stamped and urinated on and forced to lie face down over full latrines during the time they were held by the Queen's Lancashire Regiment in Basra in September 2003.

One of those detained, hotel worker Baha Mousa, 26, died from 93 separate injuries inflicted on him over a 36-hour period while other prisoners examined by a doctor suffered "extensive and serious" injuries.

Much of their treatment was meted out in a bid to soften the men up for interrogation......"

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