Monday, August 17, 2009

Children Have a Way With Miracles

By Mohammed Omer

"AMSTERDAM, Aug 16 (IPS) - Call it that choice between looking at the half-full or half-empty part of the results. And it is almost half; 55 percent of schoolchildren passed their exams in Gaza this year.

The results in the humanities section in the exams, the Tawjihis as they are called, were 4 percent better than last year, and in the sciences they were better by 2 percent. So much for the impact of the Israeli bombardment last December-January, on most of the children anyway.

Hanan Al-Manameh scored 99.4 percent in science, the sixth highest in the exams conducted both in Gaza and the West Bank. "The war and the siege on Gaza will not break us down," she tells IPS on phone from Gaza City. "The war didn't put an end to the school year, and it didn't kill the motivation inside me."........

And yet Gaza's results are comparable with those in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Syria, says Dr. Ibrahim. "And imagine, in those countries they have all the budgets, the stability, the means to create a proper atmosphere for education."......."

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