Monday, August 24, 2009

Entering Gaza: an interview with Viva Palestina activist

Ida Audeh, The Electronic Intifada, 24 August 2009

"On 15 July, a humanitarian convoy organized by Viva Palestina entered the Gaza Strip via Egypt with medical supplies and blankets. The convoy of 200 included British MP George Galloway, former US representative and Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney, New York City Council member Charles Barron, award-wining filmmaker Travis Wilkerson and anti-war veteran Michael Prysner. The convoy was the second organized by Galloway and Ron Kovic, a Vietnam veteran and prominent antiwar activist. A third convoy is planned for December 2009.

Among those in the July convoy was Boulder resident Dan Winters, a 72-year-old retired computer scientist who has been on several humanitarian missions to war-torn countries. The Electronic Intifada contributor Ida Audeh interviewed him about how his latest mission fits into his long history of activism....."

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