Friday, August 14, 2009

Fayyad to Haaretz: Not our Business Whether Israel is Jewish!


(left: Shimon Peres approves of the Palestinian House Negro)

"14/08/2009 Israel's character is it's own business. It is not up to the Palestinians to define it, Palestinian Prime Minister in Ramallah Salam Fayyad said Thursday, when asked about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's demand the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

"Israel's character is Israel's business and nobody else's," Fayyad says in an interview with Haaretz.......

Fayyad seems to prefer to talk about economic issues rather than politics. His critics say he gives tail wind to the "economic peace" touted by his Israeli counterpart, Netanyahu.

Oman, Qatar: We'll Renew Israel Ties if It Freezes Settlements

The United States told Israel last week that Gulf states Oman and Qatar are willing to renew their relations with Israel if it agrees to a moratorium on construction in the West Bank, Haaretz has learned......."

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