Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Feud between Emanuel and Netanyahu heats up

A Special Report
By Wayne Madsen
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Aug 5, 2009, 00:22

"......Warning shot by Netanyahu fired at Obama

Recent information obtained by WMR from U.S. intelligence sources points to the current false birth certificate controversy as merely a “warning shot” being fired across Obama’s bow by the Netanyahu government. Netanyahu’s government has been caught leaking “intelligence” on Obama’s history to neocon news media with the caveat that it is based on bona fide Israeli intelligence reports.

The real issue, WMR is informed, is the distinct possibility that Obama has been in possession of a passport or passports in addition to his U.S. passport, all stemming from his past post-undergraduate and possible pre-graduate work for Business International Corporation, Inc., a non-official cover “business research” firm in Manhattan that operated on behalf of the CIA. Obama wrote for a few Business International Corporation publications as far as his “official” record is concerned.

Obama has apparently gotten tough with the Netanyahu government, telling the Israeli prime minister that he will not be told what to do by Netanyahu or Israel. That toughness has earned Obama a place at the top of Netanyahu’s political hit list......."

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