Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Free Gaza Movement Invites Malaysian MPs To Join Mission

Via Free Gaza Movement

"KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 17 (Bernama) -- The Free Gaza Movement human rights group has invited Malaysian members of parliament to join its next mission in mid-October to ship aid to Gaza to break Israel's blockade on territory and its 1.5 million population.

The movement's chairperson Huwaida Arraf said they intend to embark on the coming mission from a port in Cyprus as it is closer to Gaza, and send books and publications, which are not allowed into Gaza by Israel.

"I hope and welcome as many (MPs) as possible. The public with their own boats can also join us," she told reporters after briefing a group of MPs at Parliament today.

The organisation had undertaken five such missions successfully between August and December last year, carrying goods such as foodstuff and medicines.

Another three attempts had to be aborted due to Israel's use of force to stop them.

Huwaida said if high profile people such as MPs joined their mission, it would be very hard for Israel to stop the ships or to use force because of the global political ramifications......."

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