Friday, August 28, 2009

Hakims death highlights Nasrallah's contradictions: Sectarian Solidarity Prevails and Hypocrisy Abounds


".....Sayid Hassan Nasrallah has squandered his popularity in the Arab world and lost much credibility as a result of his stance in Iraq in the past 6 years. And now as he eulogizes Hakim whom he refers to as an "older brother", and describes his murderous and treasonous history as a "struggle" to "uplift" and "rescue" the Iraqi people, Nasrallah has, once again, fallen into the trap of sectarian solidarity. How else can any objective observer who supported both the Arab resistance to Israeli occupation in Lebanon and US occupation of Iraq explain the contradictory positions of Nasrallah on the occupations of Lebanon and Iraq? What is the difference between the South Lebanese Army and the Badr Brigades? And what is the difference between the traitors and collaborators in Lebanon and their counterparts in Iraq?"

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