Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Israel's anti-immigration immigrants

Three out of four Israeli citizens of Russian extraction support the transfer of Arabs out of Israel – and sadly they are not alone

Seth Freedman
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 11 August 2009

"Well over a million of Israel's population come from the former Soviet Union (FSU), representing more than 15% of the total population – hence the political views of the Russian immigrant community are not easily brushed under the carpet. Their collective stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is credited with sweeping Avigdor Lieberman and his Yisrael Beiteinu party into the upper echelons of power at the last election, and on the strength of the latest poll from the Israel Democracy Institute, it's not hard to see why Lieberman has become the poster boy of the Russian right.

According to the survey, three out of four citizens of Russian extraction support the transfer of Arabs out of Israel, an overwhelming display of hostility towards the original inhabitants of the state in which the Russians arrived a mere 20 years ago......."

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