Monday, August 17, 2009

Israel's state-sponsored injustice

Watching the criminal collusion of settlers and the army in Susiya, it's clear this is a microcosm of an indefensible situation

Seth Freedman, Monday 17 August 2009

"......Watching a crime take place is never pleasant for onlookers, but the experience is made infinitely worse when there is no recourse whatsoever to ameliorate the situation. In more tolerant and equitable societies, witnesses can pick up the phone and call the authorities, in the hope and expectation that the police will intervene on behalf of the victim and right the wrong being committed. But when the very security forces meant to deal out justice are standing alongside the criminals and providing armed cover for their actions, the sense of disbelief and disaffection with the status quo is off the scale.....

For those who see such embitterment up close, the settlers' and soldiers' actions are indefensible. An army of apologists couldn't convince the neutral that such crimes are in any way conscionable – but still they try, and, despite all the political bluster and diplomatic posturing, nothing changes on ground level. For the farmers of Susiya, their struggle to fend off the forces amassed against them is as futile today as it ever was."

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