Monday, August 10, 2009

Netanyahu Continues Israeli Media and Psychological Warfare against Lebanon


"10/08/2009 Israel seems to be determined to continue its psychological and media warfare against Lebanon, three years on its defeat in the Second Lebanon War. Israeli bullying also seems to be a part of turning the International concern away from building its illegal settlements in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank in a defiant move to the international community in general and the United States in particular.......

On Sunday, Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon told Yedioth Ahronoth that should any attempt be made on an Israeli official the Lebanese government would be held accountable. "Hezbollah is not on the moon, its part of the Lebanese government…. if so much as one hair on the head of any Israeli overseas – official or tourist – is harmed, we will hold Hezbollah responsible and the response would be harsh."

Ayalon's statements were made in the context of a report in Egyptian media Saturday night that Egyptian security forces had uncovered a plot to murder Israeli Ambassador Shalom Cohen, although Hezbollah was not mentioned in the report.

Israeli Northern Command chief Brigadier-General Alon Friedman said in an interview to the British Times last week that the quiet on the northern border "could erupt any minute"......."

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