Monday, August 17, 2009

Palestinians Must say NO to al Qaeda

By Khalid Amayreh

"I honestly believe that Hamas has done the right thing by clamping down on the Al-Qaeda cell in Gaza.

True, the bloodshed is lamentable and heartrending; and each and every Palestinian is deeply saddened by the spilling of Palestinian blood by Palestinian hands.

However, it is imperative to realize that preventing the Gaza Strip from morphing into another Iraq, another Swat, or even another S'ada (Yemen) is a paramount task.......

According to reliable sources, the fanatics of Al-Qaeda in Gaza are widely believed to have been responsible for carrying out murderous attacks on coffee shops, internet cafés, and some other cultural centers, as well as some Christian targets in Gaza, resulting in the death of a number of innocent people.

That was a brazen violation of Islamic teachings which prohibit harming innocent people......."

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