Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Ramadan Appeal for all People of Conscience in the World

The Free Gaza Movement


The landing of two wooden boats carrying human rights activists in Gaza is an important symbolic victory ... Above all, what is being tested is whether the imaginative engagement of dedicated private citizens can influence the struggle of a beleaguered people for basic human rights, and whether their courage and commitment can awaken the conscience of humanity to an unfolding tragedy. (Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the OPT)

DONATE. You have donated generously to us in the past. We need you to do it again. Donate in support of civil resistance and people to people solidarity. Please consider making a donation of $500 (€500 or £500) and asking 9 friends to do the same. Go to:
Please do it now.

FUNDRAISE. Plan a fundraiser in your home or community. Hold an Iftar dinner for Free Gaza this Ramadan. A dinner, Ramadan’s Sweet Bazaar, or other event could be a great way to get your friends and family more involved in our efforts, while contributing to our goal of confronting the Israeli siege until it collapses.

EDUCATE. We have volunteers in various countries that might be available to come speak at your school, university or other venue about their experiences in Gaza, the horrifying effects of Israel’s illegal blockade, and what the Free Gaza Movement is doing to break the siege. Consider hosting an event or a speaking tour for the Free Gaza Movement. For help in doing this, please contact us This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

OUTREACH. We would like to get celebrities, dignitaries, and community leaders to join our next mission in order to draw more attention to the dire situation in Gaza and the need for immediate action. If you have contact to a public personality, please ask them to lend their voice and presence to this nonviolent action in defense of human rights. If someone is not able to physically be on our boat, ask him or her for a statement or letter of endorsement.

VOLUNTEER FOR ACTION. We need volunteers to help us with research, writing, local outreach & organizing in your community, website maintenance, graphic design, and much much more. If you are interested in volunteering with the Free Gaza Movement, please contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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