Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sectarians, Hypocrites and Liars!

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Arab, Islamic Figures Mourn Sayyed Hakim's Death


".....Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei praised Sayyed Abdel Aziz al-Hakim as the symbol of the struggle against Saddam Hussein's regime on Thursday. "His death is a big loss for the Iraqi people and government, and is a painful incident for the Islamic Republic (of Iran)," said Sayyed Khamenei, in a message read at the mourning ceremony in Tehran.

"He symbolized the hardship involved in jihad in fighting tyranny," Sayyed Khamenei said......

In a statement released on Wednesday, Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah expressed his 'great sorrow' over the passing of Sayyed al-Hakim and paid tribute to his family and the Iraqi people. Sayyed Nasrallah also praised Sayyed Hakim’s history that was full of Jihad and science for the sake of al-Islam and saving the Iraqi people [the Shiite portion, that is?].

Deputy Chairman of the Shiite Islamic Supreme council in Lebanon Sheikh Abdel Amir Qabalan mourned Sayyed al-Hakim describing him as the great Mujahed (resistance fighter) and the fighter of tyranny and injustice.

Speaker Nabih Berri also sent a statement to the Sayyed al-Hakim’s son, Ammar, paying tribute to the late figure who was a fighter against the occupation [are you serious, Mr. Berri? Who are you trying to fool? Shame on you and pity your sectarian mind!] and oppression......."

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