Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The ugly reality of Israel's settlement-made beauty products

Adri Nieuwhof, The Electronic Intifada, 3 August 2009

"Israel enjoys free trade of industrial goods with Europe under the Association Agreement it signed with the European Union in 2000. Yakov Ellis, chief executive officer of the Israeli cosmetics company Ahava, told the BBC radio program Today on 5 November 2008 that his company has benefitted from the free trade with the EU. Ahava owns stores in London and Berlin, and signed a contract in 2008 with the leading French perfumery chain Sephora, which has stores all over Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East.

Ahava manufactures its cosmetics in the occupied West Bank, using minerals from the Dead Sea. The company's skin care products are imported into the EU as originating from "The Dead Sea, Israel." Israeli products originating in the West Bank are not supposed to benefit from the duty-free import to the EU........"

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