Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Divestment can work

The targeted boycotting of businesses involved in Israel's occupation of the Palestinian Territories is legitimate

Seth Freedman
guardian.co.uk, Monday 7 September 2009

"The Norwegian government's divestment from Elbit Systems is an entirely appropriate response to Elbit's business involvement with the occupation of the West Bank. Despite the howls of protest from Israeli officials, the Norwegians' decision is a principled stand, which bears the closest of scrutiny, especially when viewed in the context of previous decisions by the country's council of ethics regarding state investments.......

The strength of Norway's decision to divest from Elbit, likewise the British government's refusal to lease property from Africa-Israel, lies in the unimpeachable arguments behind their actions. True, Elbit will not be brought crashing to its knees on the back of a few million of its shares being sold, yet the cost to the firm's reputation will be far more significant, especially if Norway's move is followed by similar withdrawals by other funds and individuals......"

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