Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Hamas is not al-Qaida

The two are radically different – the position of the democratically elected Hamas is about land, not religion, creed or race

Anas Altikriti
guardian.co.uk, Monday 21 September 2009

".....Arguably, the most important assertion made in the interview, conducted by Ken Livingstone, is that in which Meshal clearly stated that the Palestinian struggle was anything but a conflict between Muslims and the Jewish people. He insisted that the Palestinians were fighting against the occupier who had dispossessed them of their homes and lands, regardless of religion, creed or race. He also went on to confirm that the concept of coexistence was largely present in the Palestinian psyche, and that genocide, as suffered by Jews in Europe (and which he described as "horrible and criminal") was alien not only to the Palestinians but to the inhabitants of the region as a whole........"

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