Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Israel threatened with international law

Israel's commanders should be careful about booking holidays – the Goldstone report suggests they could be prosecuted abroad

Ian Black, Tuesday 15 September 2009

"Controversy surrounded Richard Goldstone's investigation for the UN Human Rights Council into the Gaza war from the very start, with Israel flatly refusing to co-operate because it regarded it as irredeemably biased. But Palestinians and their supporters will see it as an authoritative if long overdue indictment.

Many of the allegations in Goldstone's 575 pages, though highly detailed, have been made before: his key contribution is to emphasise the importance of international law and accountability – Israel should launch "genuine, impartial and independent" investigations into possible war crimes or face possible action by the International Criminal Court, he urges.......

In a key passage, the report quotes Palestinian interviewees as saying they hoped that this would be the last investigative mission of its kind because action for justice would follow from it. "Every time a report is published and no action follows, this emboldens Israel and her conviction of being untouchable. To deny modes of accountability reinforces impunity and impacts negatively on the credibility of the United Nations, and of the international community.""

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