Friday, September 18, 2009

Sayyed Nasrallah: We'll Never Recognize Israel's Right to Exist


NOTE: I will post a link to Sayyed Nasrallah's speech, as soon as it is available.

"18/09/2009 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah reiterated on Friday that Palestine belongs to the Palestinian people and not to the Zionist entity, stressing that recognizing Israel's existence is forbidden and calling on all Arab and Islamic governments and people to adopt the choice of stead fasting in the face of the Israeli enemy.

Sayyed Nasrallah was speaking through a large TV screen during a festival organized by Hezbollah at Beirut's southern suburb to commemorate Al-Quds day......

"As part of this nation and I swear in this Holy month of Ramadan that we will not recognize Israel's right to exist. We will never make peace with it even if the international community demands it," Hezbollah Secretary General then pledged. "We will not recognize Israel, neither succumb to it, and we will not normalize or make peace with this malignant cell that should be terminated, even if the whole world recognizes its existence," his eminence went on to say. "We are not obliged neither to recognize Israel nor to normalize relations."

"It's not true that we have two choices of either fighting or surrendering. There is a third option of remaining steadfast and resisting,"......

Sayyed Nasrallah rejected the idea of opening all fronts. "If we wait for all Arabs to open fronts, then we'll have to wait for hundreds for years," his eminence said. "We do not need to open a war front with Israel. The strategy that should be adopted in Lebanon is to preserve the resistance,"......

Turning into the Palestinian Resistance, Sayyed Nasrallah called on all Arabs to preserve it. "As I demanded from the Arabs during 2006 war, if you do not intend to help, leave Lebanon in Peace. Today I say, if it is not to lend a hand to Palestine then do not bother," his eminence said. "The Arab regimes are confiscating the resistance's arms while facilitating the smuggling of weapons used in internal strife among the Palestinian factions," his eminence regretted, calling on the Arab and Islamic countries to lift the siege against the Palestinians in Gaza......

In another topic, Hezbollah Secretary General warned that harming Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem will lead to an unexpected and unprecedented response regardless of any regional and international considerations......."

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