Sunday, September 27, 2009

US, Arabs support Yemeni crackdown on Shias

Press TV

"The US and key Arab states have expressed their 'full support' to the Yemeni government in its offensive against local Shia fighters.

The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her counterparts from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Iraq, Egypt and Jordan have issued a joint statement following their talks in New York, AFP reported on Saturday.

"The ministers ... noted their concern for the situation in Yemen," said the US-Arab statement.

"The ministers expressed full support for the government of Ali Abdullah Saleh; for the unity, security, and stability of Yemen; and for efforts for a peaceful dialogue," the statement said.......

Food is running out for tens of thousands of civilians displaced in weeks of fighting between government forces and Shiite rebels in Yemen's north, a UN spokesman said on Wednesday........"

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