Monday, October 5, 2009

Abbas looks for 'resolution killer'!

Press TV

"......Mahmoud Abbas, facing an unprecedented wave of condemnation and accusations of treason from other Palestinian factions, has ordered the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the issue.

The measure killed the Palestinians hope to pass a resolution against Israel in the UN Human Rights Council.

An unnamed PA minister scoffed at Abbas' decision to establish the commission, the Jerusalem Post reported.

"What's the president [Abbas] trying to tell us? that he didn't make the decision to kill the resolution that would have seen the UN endorse the findings of the fact-finding commission into the Gaza war?" the minister asked.

"Well, if he didn't make the decision, then we want to know who's running the Palestinian Authority. If he was responsible for the [deferral] decision, then this is a very serious matter. If he knew, it's bad; if he didn't know, it's even worse," JP quoted him as saying......."

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