Thursday, October 29, 2009

Abu Zuhri family reject Egyptian report on death of Yousef

"GAZA, (PIC)-- The Abu Zuhri family refused to accept the Egyptian general prosecution's report on the death of Yousef Abu Zuhri in Egyptian jails that said he died of natural causes.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, Hamas spokesman and the victim's brother, said in a statement on Wednesday on behalf of his family that the report lied about according treatment to his brother in Alexandria university hospital, explaining that he (Yousef) was refused admission into that hospital two days before his death.

Abu Zuhri held the Egyptian state security responsible for the death of Yousef for its medical neglect, charging that the report only covered up for the criminals who tortured Yousef to death.

The spokesman said that the report would not close the case of his brother's death, adding that his family were preparing for filing a lawsuit before the Egyptian courts in cooperation with human rights groups.

For its part, the committee formed in solidarity with Ayman Nofal, who is held captive in Egyptian jails, expressed dismay at the Egyptian report.

The committee in a statement asked the Egyptian judiciary to prosecute those responsible for the crime and for the continued detention of Palestinians in Egyptian jails without trial topped by Nofal who has completed his third year in Egyptian jails."

And this, from Al-Jazeera (Arabic):

أبو زهري: جثة أخي وصلتنا ناقصة

"قال الناطق باسم حركة المقاومة الإسلامية (حماس) سامي أبو زهري إن جثة أخيه يوسف الذي توفي منذ نحو أسبوعين في سجن مصري، وصلت العائلة غير كاملة، مما يثبت في نظره أنه توفي نتيجة التعذيب.

ورفض أبو زهري –في تصريح للجزيرة- نتائج تقرير الطب الشرعي الذي حكم على أساسه القضاء المصري أول أمس بأن شقيقه توفي وفاة طبيعية وليس بسبب التعذيب.

وقال أبو زهري إن "هذا التقرير مرفوض، ونحن نؤكد مجددا أن الوفاة ناتجة عن آثار التعذيب، ونعلن لأول مرة أمرا لم نشأ أن نعلنه من قبل حتى نعطي العدالة فرصتها، وهو أن جسد الشهيد وصلنا وقد نقص وأخذت منه بعض الأجزاء".

وأضاف أن غياب أجزاء من الجثة "يؤكد أن هناك قصدا لإخفاء شبهة الجريمة" واعتبر أن تقرير الطب الشرعي المصري "محاولة للتستر على الجناة" مطالبا بـ"تقديم المجرمين للعدالة وليس التستر عليهم بهذه الطريقة".

It appears, according to the Al-Jazeera report, that the Pharaoh is in the business of selling body parts. The body of Yousef was missing parts, apparently removed by Egyptian "Intelligence" in a pathetic attempt to cover up evidence of severe torture. The Abu Zuhri family has not released this fact until this report came out.

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