Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Afghan Insurgents: Terrorists, or Tea Partiers?

Former top U.S. official says they're fighting against corruption and taxation without representation

By Justin Raimondo

"In waging its war in Afghanistan, the Obama administration faces a big problem, and his name is Hamid Karzai. This fashion plate, whose name has become synonymous with corruption, claims to be the president of Afghanistan, but this is a double fiction. In reality, he is, at most, the mayor of Kabul, never having managed to secure control of the rest of the country in all his years in office. Moreover, his legitimacy is also called into question on account of his having stolen a million-plus votes in the recent Afghan election......

The Afghan insurgents aren’t fighting under "the white banner of the Taliban," avers Hoh, "but rather against the presence of foreign soldiers and taxes imposed by an unrepresentative government in Kabul." They are, in short, Afghan Tea Partiers, the Middle Eastern, modern-day version of the rebels at Lexington and Concord who rose against taxation without representation.

Well, then, why are we fighting them? For the same reason King George III and his redcoats fought George Washington and the Continental Army: because that’s what empires do – put down native rebellions.....

Hoh takes on President Obama’s contention that we are fighting to deprive al-Qaeda of "safe havens." Why invade just Afghanistan on account of al-Qaeda’s alleged presence, he asks – why not also invade and occupy Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, and all the other countries where Osama bin Laden’s followers have carved out a niche? And if we’re so concerned about Pakistan and its nukes falling into the hands of our enemies – an oft-stated rationale, now being touted as the "real" reason we’re occupying neighboring Afghanistan – then why not just march into Islamabad and be done with it? ......"

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