Sunday, October 18, 2009

And As the Stomach Turns.....Hamas Delays Response to Inter-Palestinian Deal....Stay Tuned for This Riveting Soap!


"18/10/2009 Hamas has delayed sending a delegation to Cairo to give its response to an Egyptian-proposed Palestinian reconciliation deal, a senior official in the resistance group said on Sunday. The Hamas delegation was to travel to Cairo on Sunday, but Ayman Taha said the trip has been delayed indefinitely.
"Hamas has postponed sending its delegation to Egypt because General Omar Suleiman is not in Cairo," he said, referring to the Egyptian intelligence chief who has been brokering efforts to reconcile Hamas with Fatah.
"Communication between Egypt and Hamas continues," Taha said, without specifying when the delegation would travel to Cairo.
Hamas has not said what its response will be to the Egyptian unity proposal.

Meanwhile, Abbas's approval rating has plunged according to a poll by the Jerusalem Media and Communications Centre (JMCC).
Palestinian confidence in Abbas has dropped to 12.1 percent compared to 17.8 percent in June, according to the poll.

Abbas's decision earlier this month to support postponing the consideration of a damning report on Israeli crimes in the Gaza war in the UN Human Rights Council sparked outrage across Palestinian society, especially from Hamas, which accused him of betraying the victims of the three-week onslaught at the turn of the year."

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