Sunday, October 18, 2009

Gaza Humanitarian Convoy Still Stuck In Egypt

"A Humanitarian aid convoy sent by different groups in several parts of Europe is still stuck in Bour Sa’id Egyptian port as the Egyptian Authorities are not allowing the convoy to enter Egypt on its way to the Rafah terminal.

Dozens of activities from France, Belgium, German and the Britain arrived in Egypt several days ago in order to be part of the ‘Miles of Smiles’ convoy.

Convoy organizers were holding talks with the Egyptian Authorities to ensure the aid makes it into Gaza.

Jamal Al Nunu, representative of the Arab-German Society said that the organizers were surprised when the Egyptian Authorities told them that they should move their aid convoy from Bour Sa’id to Al Arish port instead of Rafah port. Al Nunu said that the activists considered this decision as blackmail or an unrealistic condition made by the Egyptian Authorities to obstruct the aid from reaching Gaza.

He added that the humanitarian aid is loaded onto 60 trucks and that moving everything from Bour Sa’id to Al Arish requires weeks. The trucks are loaded with hundreds of power chairs, and minibuses for transporting students with special needs.

The aid convoy was organized by a ‘Partners for Peace and Development’ British foundation in cooperation with the International Committee to Break the Siege headed by the former Lebanese Prime Minister, Dr. Salim Al Huss."

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