Monday, October 5, 2009

Hamas Has Been Handed a Hot Potato, and Doesn't Know What to Do!

By Tony Sayegh

(Left: Suleiman meeting with Abbas in Amman, today, to finalize a deal with Hamas)

I do not have time for a long comment, and I will elaborate later this evening.

The fast moving events and the explosive revelations about the treason of Abbas and his Ramallah gang, captured on video and taped telephone conversations, dealing with high level Israelis during the IOF devastation of Gaza, and urging them to continue with the attacks, have put Hamas in a very awkward spot.

Coming just days after Mishaal announced that a deal for "reconciliation" with Abbas has already been reached. All that remains is the final wording of the deal (to be arranged by the Pharaoh's Foreign Minister, Break-Their-Legs-Abul-Gheit, and his Intelligence Chief Suleiman) and ceremonies for signing it (in Cairo), attended by representatives of most of the puppet Arab regimes. In fact Suleiman and Abul-Gheit are in Jordan meeting with the puppet king and the traitor Abbas, to finalize the deal.

Hamas is speaking with a dozen voices. There is a lot of sound and fury, but all of the Hamas leaders have not closed the door on dealing with Abbas. Habila has blasted the delaying of the vote on the report as "irresponsible." Some have called for POSTPONING (not cancelling) the signing of the "reconciliation" deal with him.

Others (like Hayya) are trying to put the blame on the PA representative at the UN, which is the game Abbas himself is playing! Hayya is calling for his punishment, not the punishment of Abbas!

Another leader, Bardawil, is saying that we can't have a deal with Abbas, because he can't be trusted and if Hamas did that, the Palestinian people would not forgive it!

The so-called "Justice Minister" is studying a request to try "those responsible" for treason!

I will keep you posted, but the apple cart which Mishaal has carefully arranged with the Pharaoh's representatives appears ready to tip over!

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