Saturday, October 17, 2009

Hanan `Ashraqi, `Abdur-Rahim Malluh, and Iyad Sarraj (and others)

By Angry Arab

"Look at this lousy statement. What a sneaky attempt to save Abu Mazen when he is down. And what is this talk about "national reconciliation"? National reconciliation? Did the Lebanese call for national reconciliation with Sa`d Haddad and Antoine Lahd? On the contrary. There should be a call for pushing the Palestinian conflict and divisions to their logical conclusions, i.e. to refuse to deal with the collaborationist deal and to ostracize it in Palestinian politics and society. There should be an insistence on the exclusion of the collaborationists from all representative bodies. And enough with the talk of "elections". There are no free elections in the Middle East anymore: we saw how Saudi Arabia paid more than 60% of the voters in Lebanon, and the US and Saudi Arabia and Iran manage the Iraqi puppet elections. On my lists of demands for change in the Middle East, elections come last, because they are not allowed to be free. And to refer to the Goldstone fiasco in Geneva as a "mistake" is the propaganda work of the Salam Fayyad regime. Mistake?"

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