Monday, October 12, 2009

Imposter Thugs Unto The Nations!

Israeli Undercover Forces Posing As Medics

"Israeli sources reported that the Undercover Forces of the Israeli army are now using a new method to capture Palestinian residents and resistance fighters by posing as medics in the occupied territories.

Israeli paper, Maariv, reported on Sunday that the undercover forces are using all available methods to carry out their attacks. It added that besides posing as medics, the undercover forces are also posing as Bedouins, and even as religious Jews in some areas and claim that their vehicles broke down. The new unit now includes 17 Israeli policemen; it was formed last July. The unit said that it carries 30-40 arrests every month. Undercover forces were also very active during the first Palestinian Intifada and are responsible for hundreds of death and thousands of injuries, including severe injuries that caused permanent disabilities as they only use fast automatic small machine guns."

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