Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It is More Than Just Break-Their-Legs-If-They-Try-to-Escape-the-Ghetto; Now it is Interrogation to Death by the Pharaoh!

An Important Story

Hamas denounces the murder of detained Abu Zuhri in Egyptian jails

"GAZA, (PIC)-- Hamas mourned the death of Yousef Abu Zuhri, the brother of its spokesman in Gaza Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, who died Tuesday of torture in one of the Egyptian jails.

The Movement in a statement strongly condemned the murder under torture of Yousef Abu Zuhri, adding that Cairo should investigate the incident and put on trial those responsible [Dear Hamas: Those responsible work under the direct orders of the CIA asset, Intelligence chief Suleiman, with whom you have been conducting "brotherly" negotiations for "reconciliation"and he is the one you thanked for his "sincere efforts" to help "Palestinian unity."].

Hamas described the incident as "serious and bizarre", adding that Yousef, 38, was subjected to excruciating torture that led to internal bleeding for two weeks before his death.

"We have contacted officials in Egypt several times during his detention period to save his life and asked for transferring him to hospital for treatment but to no avail," Hamas said, adding that Yousef had asked his family in a brief call from his jail to contact Egyptian officials to save his life.

The Movement asked the Egyptian leadership to release all political detainees topped by Ayman Nofal before they die in similar circumstances in Egyptian jails, adding that its concern over their lives was growing following Yousef's death.

Hamas asked the Egyptian and Arab human rights groups to assume their responsibilities and to expose the crime and to adopt all steps necessary to investigate the crime and bring the culprits to account.

Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri had earlier announced the death of his brother in a statement to the PIC, adding that Yousef died of torture.

He said that the Egyptian security only carried Yousef to hospital when his condition was critical and after a preliminary surgery he was returned to jail in a very bad condition until his death was known without any announcement by the Egyptian authorities.

Abu Zurhi said that his brother was arrested when he crossed into the Egyptian territory last April without any charge then underwent cruel interrogation rounds."

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