Tuesday, October 13, 2009

It is Pathetic When the Puppet Attempts to Show That He is Not a Puppet!

Palestinian faith in Obama 'evaporates'

Leaked memo from President Mahmoud Abbas accuses White House of buckling under pressure from Israel

Rory McCarthy Jerusalem
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 13 October 2009

"Palestinian political leaders have expressed acute disappointment in the Obama administration, saying their hopes that it could bring peace to the Middle East have "evaporated" and accusing the White House of giving in to Israeli pressure.

The unusually frank comments come in an internal memo from the Fatah party, led by the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas.....

The document, dated Monday, came from an office led by Mohammed Ghneim, a Fatah hardliner and the party's number two, who returned to the West Bank only this year after many years in exile. He was long a critic of the Oslo accords of the mid-1990s, arguing they gave too much to the Israelis.

Other Palestinian figures share the frustrations. Mohammad Dahlan was reported as saying this week that he felt "very disappointed and worried by the US administration retreat"........"

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