Thursday, October 15, 2009

Real News Video: D'Escoto on the US in the age of Obama

d'Escoto: From Iraq war to imprisoned Cuban 5 , Americans need the courage to form a "new mindset"

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""The inability of the United Nations to unequivocally reject the Iraq war has been a major factor in its demise", says outgoing president of the UN General Assembly, Miguel d'Escoto. In the third and final segment of his talk with Real News Senior Editor Paul Jay, d'Escoto digs into what he believes is at the root of the US image problem around the world, its actions. He identifies the continued incarceration of the Cuban 5 in US prison as an example of the hypocrisy of the "global war on terror". But while d'Escoto points out President Obama's unwillingness to use his authority to single-handedly pardon the five Cuban intelligence agents, he expresses a great deal of support for Obama. "I really trust President Obama," d'Escoto says, "but he is going up against the same reactionary forces that we faced in the third world when we tried to change things.""

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