Friday, October 9, 2009

The thieves of Baghdad

In the shadow of political inertia, powerful mafia groups are flourishing in the 'new' Iraq

James Denselow, Friday 9 October 2009

"In the past month several high-profile incidents have highlighted what Major General Qassim al-Moussawi, the chief Iraqi military spokesman in Baghdad, described as the outbreak of "a frenzy of violent crime" in Iraq. Writing in the Times, Richard Kerbaj explained how "everyone is looking for a way to make a quick buck in Iraq, but none more so than the insurgents and gangsters". Indeed, present-day levels of crime in Iraq reflect the institutionalisation of criminality that may undermine the country's long-term development....."


The funny thing is that the piece does not mention the chief Mafia figures: those representing the "government" in the Green Zone including the so-called MPs, a majority of them live overseas with the money they have looted out of the country. Literally billions are stolen directly from the country's oil revenue.

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