Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tipping the balance in East Jerusalem

By Jacky Rowland

".....Finding themselves homeless, the Ghawi family had set up a tent on the pavement opposite their old house. This flimsy structure, containing a few foam mattresses and plastic chairs, was the target of the latest Israeli demolition order.

The police acted with swift, brutal efficiency. Within minutes they had torn down the tent and loaded it, along with its contents, onto the back of a couple of pick-up trucks.

“I will sit on a chair in the street!” shouted Maysoun Al Ghawi, her voice shaking with anger and distress. “With my children, without a tent. Without anything. I will stand opposite my house. I have a right to live here with my children. They stole the house from me by force!”......

What we are witnessing in Sheikh Jarrah is part of a systematic effort by Jewish settlers – backed up by the courts, the municipality and the police – to tip the demographic balance in East Jerusalem. They are working slowly and patiently, house by house, family by family, to replace Palestinians by Jews.

This happens in broad daylight. The international community knows full well what is going on. Indeed, this particular incident was witnessed by elected representatives of the people of Europe. Yet the Israeli evictions and demolitions in East Jerusalem continue unchecked."

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