Thursday, October 15, 2009

Turkey-Israel Rift Good for Palestine

Analysis by Mel Frykberg

RAMALLAH, Oct 14 (IPS) - Turkey's cooling relationship with Israel comes in tandem with its improving relations with the Arab and Muslim world, and this development is expected to impact positively on Palestinian politics.

"The Turks appear to be implementing a major policy shift in the region as they look towards the East as a possible alternative to relations with the West, particularly in light of difficulties joining the European Union (EU)," says Dr. Samir Awad from Birzeit University near Ramallah.......

Israel's extensive bombardment of Gaza at the beginning of the year marked a turning point. The Turkish government has had to answer to public opinion, which struggled to stomach Israel's military assault on the coastal territory. Even the Turkish military, which has had strong ties with the Israeli military, couldn't look away.

Recent developments under Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's right-wing government including greater Judaisation of East Jerusalem, infringements on Muslim worship at the Al-Aqsa mosque, and continued settlement building have only cemented Turkey's position....... "

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