Saturday, October 10, 2009

Unrest Rising Over Goldstone Report

Analysis by Mel Frykberg

"RAMALLAH, Oct 9 (IPS) - The Palestinian Authority (PA) is trying desperately to contain the political fallout following its decision to withdraw support for a UN report into war crimes committed in Gaza in December and January......

However, Palestinian anger and shock continues to mount in light of the fact that there was a strong possibility that the report could have reached the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Hague, and a number of Israeli officers put on trial, bringing some justice for Gaza's victims......

PA President Mahmoud Abbas and central Fatah figure Mahmoud Dahlan, despite supposedly being key figures behind the withdrawal, announced that they would establish a commission to investigate why PA support for Goldstone's report had been withdrawn.

"Somebody in the PA is going to be made a scapegoat and forced to pay a big price politically," Dr Samir Awad from Birzeit University near Ramallah told IPS. "It is clear that despite his denials PA President Abbas was behind the decision to withdraw support for the report, but he will never admit to it," Awad told IPS.......

Israeli Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi also conditioned his support for the establishment of Wataniya, the second telephone company, on PA withdrawal of support for the Goldstone report and a possible UN resolution.

Ashkenazi has been heavily involved in defensive action against the threat of Israeli officers being brought before an international court......"

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