Wednesday, October 14, 2009

US mulling Chaosistan plan for Afghanistan. Is This a New Name for the Old "Creative Destruction?"

Press TV

"Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, has said that he has received a recommendation advocating a plan called Chaosistan for the war-tron Central Asian nation.
He made the remarks in a speech in London earlier this month in which he commented on a paper on the Chaosistan plan.

McChrystal said the plan stated that Afghanistan should be allowed to become a "Somalia-like haven of chaos that we simply manage from outside."

But he did not reveal the paper's origins.

Later, two US intelligence officials told Newsweek that the reference almost certainly comes from a secret CIA analysis entitled "Chaosistan".

The document, prepared by a "red team" of CIA analysts, picks apart conventional analyses of the war inside Afghanistan, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity......"


I thought that it would be interesting to see what Michael Ledeen was advocating way back on September 20, 2001, in his paper, "Creative Destruction
How to wage a revolutionary war

Here is an excerpt from that paper:

"....You cannot remove a regime without having a new one ready to go.

These forces exist. In Afghanistan, the Northern Alliance, despite the assassination of its historic leader Massoud, is still a force to be reckoned with, and they have offered us their support in dislodging the Taliban. And there are others, including the deposed king, still formally recognized as the legitimate ruler of Afghanistan by most of the civilized world. In Iraq, we have halfheartedly supported an umbrella organization, the Iraqi National Congress, under the outstanding leadership of Ahmed Chalabi. Yet the State Department, as recently as yesterday, was still telling them that they must not, under any circumstances, operate inside Iraq. That is sheer folly, for it guarantees that we get the worst of both worlds: We enrage Saddam even further, but ensure that we won't be able to get close to his throat. The president should order these embarrassing restrictions removed, give full support to this democratic resistance movement, and encourage the downtrodden and long suffering Iraqi people to join Chalabi and win their freedom.

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