Sunday, October 11, 2009

US 'Personality Assassination' of a Palestinian Ally

By Nicola Nasser
Palestine Chronicle

".....Forcing a voluntarily pro – U.S. regime into a de facto U.S. puppet arbitrarily is the sure way to undermine it literary, or practically when it becomes -- as a result of a wide spread opposition -- incapable of delivery. This could only be interpreted in either one of two ways. Either the United States has decided to “remove” Abbas as it had done with his predecessor Arafat and replace him in another “change of regime,” or Washington has gravely miscalculated, which is unforgiveable in view of the fact that the Palestinian polity and society are completely vulnerable to U.S. intelligence collecting agencies. It’s worth noting in this context that the U.S. man in the PA, the western donors’ favorite and veteran of the World Bank, Salam Fayyad, has been almost completely distanced from being politically tarnished by the fallout of both the New York trilateral summit meeting and the Goldstone furore. A third interpretation could not be ruled out. For Obama to move forward with his vehemently pursued plan to resume the Palestinian – Israeli talks, he might have found it easier to further weaken Abbas into dropping his proclaimed conditions for going along with the resumption of talks after Obama’s efforts failed to bring Netanyahu to toe his line on freezing the expansion of Israel’s colonial settlement enterprise in the Israeli – occupied Palestinian territories in the West Bank of River Jordan......."

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