Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Video: What really happened in Gaza w/ Dr. Norman Finkelstein 2009 Trailer

"A teaser trailer for the upcoming event held by SJP and other PSU organizations. Monday November 2, 2009 in 117 HUB/Auditorium. Dr. Finkelstein will be part of a discussion panel discussing aspects of the Palestine/Israel conflict and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East.

61 years of illegal occupation. 61 years of statelessness. 61 years of systematic ethnic cleansing. The Palestinians have lost thousands of lives and millions of have been displaced from their homes. Despite all of this, their resolve remains steadfast, their resistance enduring, their fire unflinching. However, though Israel continues to violate international law and inflict these injustices, Palestinian blood stains our hands, too. We as taxpaying American citizens directly contribute to Israels perpetual dehumanization of the Palestinians, as United States tax dollars directly fund Israeli military operations and sustain Israel, the largest recipient of US foreign aid annually. We invite you to attend these events dedicated to raising awareness of the plight of the Palestinians, and to explore the potential for changing this situation through our efforts."

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